"You make it possible for tears of want and sadness
to become tears of joy"
(Chandra Wood a BBDC student from USA, wrote this comment on 28-May-2016)
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This program on the website link:
Program created and teached by Prof. Amora Shams since 2008 while living in Egypt.
Now in October 2023 she is living in the jungle between Peru, Colombia and Brasil, but you can still study with her Online or book her to come to teach you intensively the course face to face in one month in Egypt or in another country, also you can come to study from her in the jungle, the option of the jungle can be by levels or by complete course.
When the course is taught face to face is a 3 hours daily session each lesson of the course, in 20 days is taught the complete course. One level in 5 to 7 days.
When the course is taught online can be divided each session either in 3 lessons of 1 hour each, or in 2 lessons of 1h30min each, depending of the frecuency, you can get done one level in 1 month to 3 months, and the complete course from 4 months to 1 year.
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