BellyDance International Certified Levels Course * 2019 * SPAIN - EGYPT - PERU

Amora Shams will be teaching again her course in Egypt, Spain and for first time ever in South America, in Peru.
The BGBDC "Become a Golden BellyDancer Course" was created to produce high quality respectful Golden BellyDancers dancing to the Traditional Egyptian Dance style, focus into the Golden Era,with the purpose to create a new generation of Golden BellyDancers, specially because nowadays performers have transformed BellyDance into a new form of dance, loosing all it's values that had on the past, loosing the healing powers of Ancient Pharaohnic Egyptian Dancers, and creating a new form of dance with it's agressive, sexual or erotical in some cases. 

Nowadays it's difficult to find a BellyDancer who dances according to the traditional way of dancing to the music, seems that nowadays no matter what it sounds in the back, performers are allowed to use movements as paint, painting everywhere with non matter what it comes out. BellyDance has a culture, bellydance has a profundity that just few teachers know and are shy to share them with the invasive new fashion erasing the old fashion of BellyDancers who had much more knowledge and understanding of what it's to be a BellyDancer.

If you are searching for a course where you can learn all from level Zero until Professional Level, learning the secrets of BellyDance world, since the history, the healing pharaohnic techniques, the philosophy, how to dance to any taxim, balady, solo tabla, and how to dance with any BellyDance item such as  cymbals zills, veil double-veil, wings capes, shamadan candelabra, sword , cane saidi, and dance to some Egyptian folkloric dances, then you should study with Amora Shams either the BBDC (4 weeks) or the BGBDC (5 weeks).

Become a Golden BellyDancer Course is the same program as the BBDC but with an extended extra time for Beginner Level making it easier for students to develop better through the Course understanding in a deep way each of the movements a BellyDancer should know. 

Content of the Course: 

- Beginner Level (1-2 weeks): 
You learn the history of Egyptian Dance from pharaoh times up to nowadays, the philosophy and therapeutical use behind it, and you will learn all the BellyDance movements a BellyDancer should know to start her dance career, from the most basic (all on one spot) until the most advanced (all traveling on the space). 

 - Intermediate Level (1 week): 
You will learn to improvise to any Arabian Baladi, Tabla Percussion Solo, Taxims and you will learn to use the veil in the Sufi way and in the presentation way, plus you will learn to dance with the Cymbals Zills. 

- Advanced Level (1 week): 
You will learn how to create any coreography to any arabian musicin a traditional way, plus you will learn to dance to Saidi Folkloric Egyptian Dance with the cane in the feminine way that all bellydancers should know (now difficult to find), dance with wings & capes. 

- Professional Level (1 week): 
You will learn how to impress the public with the tricks of the trade, learning to prepare a good show, a good presentation for the show test, at this stage you will be 100% into preparing yourself to perform in front of public, you will learn to use the Candelabra Shamadan and the Sword Ritual Dances (nowadays difficult to see the old style). 

If you decide to join send an email to proceed:
