Become a Golden BellyDancer Course from 1st July to 3rd August 2019 
Absolute Beginners are Welcome. Only Female Students

Amora Shams last BGBDC Become a Golden BellyDancer Course student Dineska Show Test  video, at the end of this video you can see 3 of the 4 written Certificates, she got by votation of the Arabian Public, choosing her a highest level in BellyDance school, so she it's ready to start working as a BellyDancer, she improvised 17 minutes of her 20 minutes show test according to the Arabian Culture she danced like an arabian performer, even if she was very nervouse because was the first time she performed as a solo dancer with her own creation. During the Course she learned to teach, improvise and choreography any Arabian music according to tradition and how to get Bravo's from public, in this video she got a total of 5 bravos and eveyone voted for her to get the Professional Level in BellyDance:

The same video but in shorter version, without presentations and votations: 

About 5 days previous to theShow Test exam, Dineska did an interview with Amora about her course, and what she will recommend to future students who study this course, here you can see her talking in a video recorded:

 Dineska also did a previous voice feedback 2 weeks before the Show Test, which was the first feedback Amora got from Dineska:

A the end of the course, Amora did for Dineska a short video clip, to help her push her dance career straight out of the course, and this is what it came out:

If you want Amora Shams to help you explote in your BellyDance career, or you are an absolute beginner who wants to discover the secrets of BellyDance, then come to Egypt with Amora, this year she will only be there for 1 month, and you have the opportunity to join her, because she is offering the course to a max. of 10 students into the group, and there are still spots to fill up.

If there are at least 7 students, Amora wants to include a video clip for all of them, in different parts of Egypt, with also photos of each students, while traveling around Egypt.

Book by straight payment into Amora Shams PayPal account: 

Once you book her, send her an email confirming you have made the booking for the course and she will ask you to fill up the Student Registration Form and send it with a copy of your ID/Passport, so you get registered with her school.

